Auto / Personal Loan Application

Prospective loan applicants must be of legal age to apply for a loan.

Loan Information

Are you applying as an individual or with a co-applicant?
Is this a personal or auto loan?

Vehicle Information


How would you prefer to be contacted?
Marital Status

Housing Status

Housing Status


Please Note: Alimony, child support, or maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish it to be considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

Financial Information

Do you have a checking account?
Do you have a savings account?



How would you prefer to be contacted?

Housing Status

Housing Status


Please Note: Alimony, child support, or maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish it to be considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

Financial Information

Do you have a checking account?
Do you have a savings account?


During the course of reviewing a loan application, we will request your credit report and credit score from the major credit bureaus. All three national credit bureaus have ‘event-based trigger’ programs, which identify you to be in the market for new credit in the near-term based on certain changes in your credit profile. In this case, the fact that you are applying for a mortgage may indicate that you are likely to be shopping for a mortgage. Other lenders purchase this information and will contact you quickly in an attempt to win your business before you close your loan. Do you wish to allow Peoples Bank to exercise the Opt-Out of lists supplied by Equifax, Experian, Innovis and TransUnion for firm offers of credit or insurance?


I certify that all information provided by me herein, including attachments (s) is true, correct and complete. I authorize Peoples Bank to make whatever inquiries about me you deem necessary and appropriate for the purpose of evaluating my credit, including obtaining credit reports and contacting my employer. I also authorize Peoples Bank to provide credit information about its credit experience with me to other creditors and credit reporting agencies. I authorize the Bank to obtain address information from the Department of Motor Vehicles and waive the address confidentiality requirements of the State Vehicle Code. I agree to provide any further information the Bank might require to process my application.