Volunteer Candidate Form


  1. Active employee of the Houston Police Department
  2. Membership in good standing with Houston Police Credit Union
  3. Free of conflict of interests that might prevent acting in the best interest of Houston Police Credit Union and its membership as a whole

Desired Expertise

  1. Experience in an organizational or professional leadership role
  2. Educational or work experience in finance, accounting or information technology

Desired Attributes

  1. High ethical standards
  2. Commitment to the continuation of Houston Police Credit Union's unique service and contribution to its members
  3. Forward-thinking
  4. Ability to work productively with others

Candidate Information

Note: If a particular required item does not apply, enter N/A.

Required Fields


Note: If a particular required item does not apply, enter N/A.


Note: If a particular required item does not apply, enter N/A.

Leadership and Affiliation

Note: If a particular required item does not apply, enter N/A.

Statement of Interest

Note: If a particular required item does not apply, enter N/A.

Important Disclosure

Volunteer positions do not always vacate every year, so please be patient. We will keep a list of potential candidates for future openings.

Note: Only click the Submit button once. Because it is encrypted, this transmission may take up to one (1) minute to complete.

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